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Setting custom headers for selected pages

Posted on: October 12, 2018
Category: Jobs Portal

The custom page headers functionality allows you to create your own custom header for selected pages with a background image of your choice, page title and text. The page headers show up always on top of the page and the other content (forms, custom extensions, texts etc.) below.

To set a new header for a page, it's necessary to go to Website->Pages in the administration panel, there click on the page to select it and then choose Edit the Page.

In the new form that will open, the last 3 fields are:

- Header Title (here you can enter the page title)

- Header Text (you can enter any additional text you prefer, which will show with smaller font below the title)

- Header Image (you can select a background image for the header)

When entering the text for the header, you can either enter it in plain text like "Contact us" or use a word from the language file like M_CONTACT_US (depending on the current texts and words defined in the language file)

Using words from the language file can be useful when you have a multi-language website and wish that the new header title and text gets automatically translated when the users select a different language on the site.

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