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JavaScript & DHTML example - How to create a complex matrix transition?

JavaScript & DHTML - How to create a complex matrix transition?

Copy and test the code below:

//oObj input requires that a matrix filter be applied. 
//deg input defines the requested angle of rotation.
var deg2radians = Math.PI * 2 / 360;
function fnSetRotation(oObj, deg)

    rad = deg * deg2radians ;
    costheta = Math.cos(rad);
    sintheta = Math.sin(rad);

    oObj.filters.item(0).M11 = costheta;
    oObj.filters.item(0).M12 = -sintheta;
    oObj.filters.item(0).M21 = sintheta;
    oObj.filters.item(0).M22 = costheta;


//oObj input requires that a matrix filter be applied. 
//flMultiplier input defines the amount by which the oObj is resized.
function fnResize(oObj, flMultiplier)
    oObj.filters.item(0).M11 *= flMultiplier;
    oObj.filters.item(0).M12 *= flMultiplier;
    oObj.filters.item(0).M21 *= flMultiplier;
    oObj.filters.item(0).M22 *= flMultiplier;

var iCount = 400;

function fnSpin(oObj)


    var flMultiple = iCount/720; 
    iCount += 4;

    if (iCount>=360*3)     {
    oObj.onfilterchange = null;


    fnSetRotation(oObj, iCount);
    fnResize(oObj, flMultiple);



<!-- When loaded, the onfilterchange event is fired as the filter makes 
its initial settings.  This starts the animation.-->
<DIV ID="oDiv" STYLE="position:absolute; 
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand')"
onfilterchange="fnSpin(this)" >
<DIV STYLE=" background-color: lightblue; padding:5;">
	   NetArt Media<BR/>
	   NetArt Media<BR/>
	   NetArt Media<BR/>
	   NetArt Media<BR/>

Category: JavaScript & DHTML

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