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After installing the site, the links to the news pages, contact page etc. don't work

Posted on: February 12, 2018
Category: News Lister

If after installing the website and News Lister the links on the main site to the news pages like www.yourdomain.com/news-some-title-1.html or link to the contact page like www.yourdomain.com/page-contact.html etc. don't work, then the reason for that could be that the SEO Urls option is currently activated (the value of SEO Urls is set to YES in the admin panel and the Settings page there) and either:

- the file .htaccess from the .zip isn't currently uploaded on your site (for example on some operating systems it may show like hidden file or some ftp editors may skip it by mistake)


- mod_rewrite isn't currently enabled on your server (usually on nearly all hosting companies and Linux hosting packages it's enabled by default, but if it's for example some own or custom server, it may be turned off)

In general the .htaccess file contains the reewrite rules for these SEO urls, so if it's missing they won't work. And mod_rewrite is the Apache web server module used to handle the SEO Urls, so if it's missing or disabled, then again the urls won't work (in a case it's installed on Windows and IIS, then it will be necessary to activate isapi_rewrite, which uses the same format and .htaccess files).

To fix that immediately, you may just switch off temporarily the SEO urls options (from Settings in the admin panel, set Enable SEO Urls to NO) and the urls on the site will be converted to the standard ones (php links with parameters) and they will work.
To have it with the SEO urls turned on, it will be necessary to check these 2 possible reason - if you experience any difficulties when doing it, you could also just contact us and provide us ftp access for your website or folder in which you installed it and we could check this asap for you.

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