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PHP Classified Ads Configuration Options

Posted on: February 8, 2018
Category: PHP Classified Ads

You may please find below a list and description of the different  configuration options that you can change from the Configuration Options page in the admin panel.

Ads expire in (days)
With this setting you can control the number of days in which the posted ads on the website will expire. The default value is 30, but you can easily change it with another number of days you prefer. If you set it to: -1 , then the ads posted on the website will never expire.

Enable SEO URLs
The search engines optimized urls look like static html pages and have keywords in the url (which allows better indexing by search engines like Google). In order to use the SEO links, the system will require the presence of the mod_rewrite module (for Linux / Apche or isapi_rewrite for Windows / IIS). If this module is not present on your server or hosting package, you could deactivate this feature by setting it to NO.

Auto validate the new listings
If set to NO, the listings posted on the front site will need to be validated from the administrator before they show up on the front site.

System Email Address
You can set with it the system email address, which will appear as sender of the system emails sent by the website (like the email when the listings are approved etc.).

System Email From Field
The name of the sender of the system email address, which is used when sending email notifications, welcome emails and others to the users.

Send email when approving listings
If set to YES, an email will be sent to the user once his listing is approved by the administrator. With the settings below it's possible to set the email text and subject of the email message that will be sent.

Approve email subject
This setting allows to modify the subject of the email that will be sent to the user when his listing is approved. The default text is “Your listing has been approved!” and can be changed with whatever different text the administrator may prefer.

Approve email text
This setting allows to modify the subject of the email that will be sent to the user when his listing is approved. The default text is:
“The listing you submitted
has been approved and added on our website.”
in which {LINK} will be replaced with the url of the listing.

Number of results per page
By changing the value of this setting, you can control how many results will show up on the front site when the users make a search or browse the listings per make etc. The default value is set to 10.

Number of category columns

On the front page by default the categories show up in 3 columns – if you prefer another number like 4 or 5 columns, you can easily set this by modifying the value of this setting.

Number of listings in Featured section
Use this setting to control the number of featured listings, which will show up in the Featured Listings
section to the right. Please note that if there are featured listings on the website than the available
positions (number you set in this field), then the featured listings will show up randomly in the Featured
Listings section

Message on successful new submission (free listings)
This is the message the user will see when their listing (website) has been submitted successfully.

Message on successful new submission (paid listings)
Use this field and setting to modify the message that the users will see when submitting a paid listing.
It's a separate and different message than the free listings, because often the administrator can
choose to include information specific for the paid listings (for example – your listing will be approved
as soon as we receive your payment).

Website currency
By default this setting is set to the US dollar sign “$”, but you may change it to another one you prefer (like CHF or ). This will change the currency symbol displayed next to the prices on the website. This applies for all the prices of the listings on the website, pricing for posting listings and banners etc.

Currency Code
The PayPal currency code if the PayPal system is enabled. By default it's set to USD (US dollars), but can be changed to any other valid PayPal currency code like EUR, GBP etc.

Use CAPTCHA images to prevent spamming
A good way to avoid automatic form submissions when creating a web form is to add some kind of verification. One of the best ways is to use an image verification, called also captcha. What it does is to dynamically create an image with a random string displayed on it. Then visitor is asked to type thatstring in a text field and once the form is submitted it checks if the string on the image matches the one inputted by the user. The usage of the captcha images is enabled by default, but if you would like to disable it (for example if the PHP graphics library - GD isn't installed on your website), you could change the value of this setting to “NO”.

Website time zone
With this setting you can change the default time zone on the website. The time zone coming by default for most of the downloads is Europe/London.
List of the supported time zones can be found on: http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
Some examples of supported time zones are:


PayPal ID
When the PayPal system is enabled, in this field, the administrator/website owner has to enter the PayPal account (registered PayPal email address) he would like to use to charge the users on the website.

2checkout ID
When the 2checkout system is enabled, in this field, the administrator/website owner has to enter the 2checkout SID (Seller ID) of the 2checkout account he would like to use to charge the users on the website. The seller id can be obtained from the 2checkout website (during a new registration for the new users) or from the admin panel for the registered ones.

Cheques address
In this field the administrator has to enter the address, which has to be used for the cheques to be sent if the cheques payment options is enabled on the website.

Bank account information
In this field the administrator has to enter the full information for the bank account to be to be used when the bank transfer payment option is enabled on the website.

Amazon Payments ID, PayFast ID, InterKassa ID, Google Checkout ID, Skrill/Moneybookers ID ,PayMate ID
To enable any of the following system in order to charge the users, it's enable to enter your ID for them
in the corresponding text fields on the Configuration Options pages.
If you wish to disable any the systems in the future, it's necessary to simply delete the corresponding

SEO text to be appended to the category page title
When clicking on a category, the default page title will be the category name. By adding custom text in
this field, you can customize the titles of the category pages, which will be then the Category Title +
Your Text (so in this way you can create unique titles for better search engines optimization).

SEO text to be appended to the category page meta description
By adding a text in this field, you can add a text, which will be appended to the default meta
description for SEO purposes.

SEO text to be appended to the category meta keywords
By adding a text in this field, you can add a text, which will be appended to the default meta keywords
for SEO purposes.

Website date format string
By entering a valid PHP date format string, you can change the format of the date displayed on the
Full information on the supported date format strings can be found on:

Here are a few examples:
"F j, Y, g:i a" // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
"m.d.y" // 03.10.01
"j, n, Y" // 10, 3, 2001
"H:i:s" // 17:16:18

Show number of listings in category
If set to yes, will show the number of listings in each category on the front site. Keep set to NO, if you
don't wish these numbers to show up.

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