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Version 4 installation instructions and manual (PHP Business Directory)

Posted on: June 5, 2019

1. Installing the website

2. Configuring the website
2.1. Configuration options
2.2. Setting the payments and payment options
2.3. Setting the business categories
2.4. Modifying the locations
2.5. Adding custom fields for the business listings

3. Administration panel
3.1. General overview
3.2. Main pages in the administration panel

4. Website structure and content management
4.1. Website structure management, adding new pages
4.2. Modifying the content of the pages
4.3. Posting news on the website
4.4. Languages and language files

5. Front site templates management
5.1. Templates overview
5.2. Adding new templates and modifying the existing ones
5.3. Custom HTML tags
5.4. Adding Google AdSense advertisements or Google Analytics

6. Administration panel users and groups
6.1. User groups
6.2. Adding new users
6.3. Permissions management

1. Installing the website
You may find below information about the PHP Business Directory integrated
web installer, the description of the different steps during the
installation, possible errors and troubleshooting information.

The installation is quick and easy, it passes through just 3 steps -
agreeing with the license agreement (and / or entering the license key,
depending on the setup), entering the MySQL information (server, user
name and password) and selecting the database to be used for the installation.

Please note also that we offer free installation for all our products, so in
a case you prefer that we do the installation for you, you just need contact
our support team and we'll do it as soon as possible for you.

Step 1 - Welcome screen and PHP Business Directory end user license

In this first step you'll be able to:

- see the setup welcome message

- read the PHP Business Directory end user license agreement
In order to continue to the next step, you'll have to agree with the PHP
Business Directory end user license agreement by clicking on the
check box ("I agree ...").

Depending on the setup, which is used, during this first step you may
be also asked to enter the license key obtained during your purchase.

Step 2 - Entering the MySQL server information (MySQL server, user-
name and password)

During this step you'll be asked to enter the MySQL server information
(the server name, MySQL user and password) of your host. The setup
needs this information in order to setup the MySQL database used by
the PHP Business Directory software.

You'll see a screen with the following fields:

-MySQL Server, the server where you plan to install the database, usually
"localhost" for most of the hosting companies
Please note that on some hosting companies like GoDaddy, the MySQL
server name may be specific for every database, which is created and
may look like for example: db_name.db.11111.hostedresource.com
In such cases it's necessary to copy and paste the exact server name,
which you may find in the hosting package control panel and the Databases
tab there.

-MySQL username and password
On most hosting package, you'll need first to create a new MySQL user
and database from the hosting package control panel, so it's up to you
to choose the password and usern you prefer for them.

Please note that on cPanel hosting package (used by the most popular
hosting companies like HostGator, BlueHost, HostMonster, CirtexHosting
etc.) if you create a new database and MySQL User you need to explicitly
give permissions to this user for the database you created - you
can do that from the MySQL Database page in Cpanel, at the bottom.

If you are not sure for these settings, please contact your hosting
provider or log in to your hosting package control panel, where usually

this information can be found on a page called "MySQL" or "Databases".

After you enter this information and click on the Continue button, the
setup will try to connect to the MySQL server with the user name and
password you entered. If any of values aren't correct like (the address
of the MySQL server or the MySQL user name and password), then an
error message will be displayed and you won't be able to continue until
you enter the correct values.


After you click the Continue button you receive an error message
in red saying "Server doesn't exist or access is denied".
If this is the case, please check again the values you have entered. If
the problem persists:
make sure that your MySQL server is up and running and that this
account is valid

make sure also you enter a correct MySQL server name (on
companies like GoDaddy and 1&1 the name isn't the default "localhost"
and may be different for every database)

on cPanel hosting packages, please check if permissions for the
database are granted to the MySQL user you entered

-if you have any troubles finding the correct MySQL information
for your hosting package, you can also contact your hosting
provider and ask them for the MySQL settings for your hosting account
Step 3 - Setup of the main PHP Business Directory database

In this step you'll be asked if you would like to create a new database
for PHP Business Directory or use an existing one.

If you choose the option to create a new database, you'll be asked to
enter the name of the database. We recommend you to use a name,
which will be easy to distinguish, like for example jobs_portal. Be
aware that when choosing this option, the MySQL user you have provided
in the previous step should have the permissions to create new
databases on the MySQL server. If this is not the case, the database
creation will fail and such error will be displayed on the screen.

If you choose the option to use an existent database, the PHP Business
Directory database tables will be created in the database chosen by
you. All the tables, which will be created will have a prefix "jobsportal_",
no data from the existing database and tables will be deleted.


I have selected the option to create a new database but when I
click on Continue, I get an error message colored in red and I can't
proceed to the next step, why?
-make sure that your MySQL user has "CREATE DATABASE" permissions
on the MySQL server
-make sure that you don't have already a database on your server
with the same name as the one you entered
I have tried to use the second option, to use an existing database,
but I receive an error message saying that the table "jobsportal_
admin_users" already exists
-this means that you have previously installed the script using this
database, so you may either use a new database or delete the old
script tables and then continue with the installation
Be aware that during this step the setup creates also the script configuration
file. If the process running PHP on your server for your hosting
package doesn't have write permissions for the folder where you install
PHP Business Directory you'll receive the following message in the

The process running PHP on this computer doesn't have permissions to
create and write the configuration file in the main web folder. You need
to create it manually - the content will show up in the screen. You need
to copy / paste it in a file "config.php" and upload it in the main web
folder (the one in which you uploaded the real estate files). So you
could either upload it with FTP or use the File Manager in your hosting
package control panel to save the config.php file.

If you experience troubles when doing this or have any additional
questions, please don't hesitate to contact us or request our free installation

Step 4 - Installation successful screen

If you reached this step, PHP Business Directory has been installed
successfully on your server/hosting package and you can open now
the front site and also the administration panel to manage the website
and different settings.

2. Configuring the website
The Settings category in the administration panel and the different
pages and options there allows you to manage the configuration options
of the website like the jobs expiration time, currency, time zone,
payment options, job categories, locations and others. You may find
below a list and description of the different configuration options and
settings pages.

The Settings category contains the following pages:

Configuration Options (on which you may find and set the
general website configuration options)
Pricing Plans (allowing to create and manage the business listing
packages and pricing plans and configure the different payment
Categories (allowing to modify the business categories shown on
the website)
Locations (the page can be used to set the locations and regions
shown on the site)
Fields (offering functionality to add new custom fields for the
business listings directly from the administration panel)
Banners (allowing to create and configure special banner zones /
banner areas in which the users can upload banners for a fee)
2.1. Configuration options
The Configuration Options page allows to change the basic settings
like the system email address, url format and others. Please find below
information about the different settings and configuration options
shown on this page.

Facebook Page URL, Twitter Page URL, Google+ Page URL

In these fields you can enter the urls of your Facebook, Google+ or
Twitter pages, which will show then as icons / links in the Connect With
Us section on the website

Ads Expire Time (Days)

With this setting you can control the number of days in which the business
listings posted on the website will expire. The default value is 365
(meaning that the business listings posted on the website will expire in
365 days), but you can easily change it with another number of days
you may prefer.

If you set it to: -1 , then the business listings posted on the website will
never expire.

Enable SEO URLs

The search engines optimised urls look like static html pages and have
keywords in the url (which allows better indexing by search engines
like Google).
In order to use the SEO links, the system will require the presence of
the mod_rewrite module (for Linux / Apache or isapi_rewrite for Windows
/ IIS). If this module is not available on your server or hosting
package, you could deactivate this feature by setting it to NO.

Auto validate the new listings

If set to YES then the new business listings posted on the website will
be automatically validated and published on the site. The default value
of this setting is NO - when set to NO, the administrator has to manually
validate and approve the listings before they are published online

System Email Address

The email address, which will appear as sender of the system emails of
the website. Please note that most hosting companies allow to set just
a sender using the same domain name. So for example if your website
is installed on yourdomain.com, the system email address should be
whatever@yourdomain.com and if specifying an email from a different
email provider like whatever@yahoo.com they may not send the

System Email From Field

The name of the sender of the system email address, usually your
website name or company name.

Send email when approving listings

If set to yes, then emails will be sent to the users when they are business
listings are approved and published on the website

Approve email subject, Approve email text

If you set the website to send emails to the users when the listings are
approved, using these settings you can set the title and text of the
emails, which will be sent

Number of results per page

By changing the value of this setting, you can control how many listings
will show up on the job result pages shown after an user makes a
search or browse a category etc.
The default value is set to 20, meaning that 20 jobs will be shown per

Number of listings in Featured section

Use this setting to control the number of featured listings, which will
show up in the Featured Listings section to the right. Please note that if
there are featured listings on the website than the available positions
(number you set in this field), then the featured listings will show up
randomly in the Featured Listings section

Message on successful new submission (free listings)

This is the message the user will see when their listing (website) has
been submitted successfully.

Message on successful new submission (paid listings)

You could use this field and setting to modify the message that the
users will see when submitting a paid listing. It's a separate and different
message than the free listings, because often the administrator can
choose to include information specific for the paid listings (for example

- your listing will be approved as soon as we receive your payment
Website currency

By default this setting is set to the US dollar sign "$", but you may
change it to another one you prefer


(like CHF or ). This will change the currency symbol displayed next to
the prices on the website.
This applies for all the prices of the listings on the website, pricing for
posting listings and banners etc.

Currency Code

The PayPal currency code if the PayPal system is enabled. By default it's
set to USD (US dollars), but it can be changed to any other valid PayPal
currency code like EUR, GBP etc.

Use CAPTCHA images to prevent spamming

A good way to avoid automatic form submissions when creating a web
form is to add some kind of verification if the user submitting the business
listing is a human or robot. One of the best ways is to use an image
verification, called also captcha. What it does is to dynamically create
an image with a random string displayed on it. Then visitor is asked
to type that string in a text field and once the form is submitted it
checks if the string on the image matches the one inputted by the user.
The usage of the captcha images is enabled by default, but if you
would like to disable it (for example if the PHP graphics library -GD
isn't installed on your website), you could change the value of this setting
to "NO".

Website time zone

With this setting you can change the default time zone on the website.
The time zone coming by default for most of the downloads is Europe/
London. List of the supported time zones can be found on:
Some examples of supported time zones are:



PayPal ID

When the PayPal payments are enabled, in this field, the administrator/
website owner has to enter the PayPal account (registered PayPal email
address) he would like to use to charge the users on the website.

2checkout ID

When the 2checkout system is enabled, in this field, the administrator/
website owner has to enter the 2checkout SID (Seller ID) of the 2checkout
account he would like to use to charge the users on the
website. The seller id can be obtained from the 2checkout website (during
a new registration for the new users) or from the admin panel for
the registered ones.

Cheques address

In this field the administrator has to enter the address, which has to be
used for the cheques to be sent if the cheques payment options is enabled
on the website.

Bank account information

In this field the administrator has to enter the full information for the
bank account to be to be used when the bank transfer payment option
is enabled on the website.

Amazon Payments ID, PayFast ID, InterKassa ID, Google Checkout ID,
Skrill/Moneybookers ID , PayMate ID


To enable any of the following system in order to charge the users, it's
enable to enter your ID for them
in the corresponding text fields on the Configuration Options pages.
If you wish to disable any the systems in the future, it's necessary to
simply delete the corresponding ID.

SEO text to be appended to the category page title

When clicking on a category, the default page title will be the category
name. By adding custom text in this field, you can customise the titles
of the category pages, which will be then the Category Title + Your Text
(so in this way you can create unique titles for better search engines optimisation).

SEO text to be appended to the category page meta description

By adding a text in this field, you can add a text, which will be appended
to the default meta description for SEO purposes.

SEO text to be appended to the category meta keywords

By adding a text in this field, you can add a text, which will be appended
to the default meta keywords for SEO purposes.

Website date format string

By entering a valid PHP date format string, you can change the format
of the date displayed on the website.
Full information on the supported date format strings can be found on:
Here are a few examples:
"F j, Y, g:i a" // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
PHP Business Directory is a product of NetArt Media Ltd. www.netartmedia.
net , All rights reserved
"m.d.y" // 03.10.01
"j, n, Y" // 10, 3, 2001
"H:i:s" // 17:16:18


Show number of listings in category

If set to yes, will show the number of listings in each category on the
front site. Keep set to NO, if you don't wish these numbers to show up.

2.2. Setting the payments and payment options
The software allows to create different listing packages - free and paid
that can differ on their price, dofollow or nofollow links, featured (the
featured listings show up with different background color, always on
top of their categories and also randomly in the Featured Listings section
to the right) or standard / normal status.

The new packages can be added from the Settings .
Pricing Plans
page, by clicking on the Add a new package at the top of the page.
When creating a new package, it's necessary to enter his name and
description, price and if the package offers dofollow links, featured status
or not.


The description shows up to the user and helps him select a package,
so the administrator can explain with it the advantage of choosing a
paid package (like for example getting a direct dofollow link or featured
status, which can bring more traffic to the website).
The field Active with possible values YES or NO allows to temporarily
deactivate a package (for example if you temporarily don't wish to offer
paid packages) or activate again after some time.

The existing pricing plans can be managed, deleted or modified from
the Pricing Plans page in the administration panel.

2.3. Setting the business categories
The software comes with a list of predefined business categories,
which you can modify or add your own from the Settings -> Categories
page in the admin panel. The categories should be pasted as a list in
the text area showing up on the page - if you have more than one language
added on the website, then you’ll see a separate text area allowing
to set separately the categories for the different languages (so
you may have them translated for every language).


The business categories should be set as a list with leading numbers
showing their hierarchy, for example:

1. Some Main Category
1.1. Sub Category of the Main Category
1.2. Another Sub Category of the Main Category
2. Another Main Category
It's not required that the numbers are in successive order, so it can be
possible for example to have -

1. First Category
49. Second Category
3. Third Category

If you have more than one language added on the website, you'll see
separate text areas allowing to enter separately the categories for the
different languages on the site.

2.4. Modifying the locations
Similar to the business categories, the locations can be set as a list with
leading numbers showing their hierarchy. By default up to four levels
of locations as supported, so you may have for example Country -
State - City - Neighbourhood.

The page in the administration panel allowing to modify the locations
can be found on Settings -> Locations.
Please note that we also have ready location lists for the different countries,
which we can provide for free on request. You are welcome to
contact us if you may be interested and we’ll provide you additional
information and list of locations for the requested countries.

2.5. Adding custom fields for the business listings

PHP Business Directory allows you to create and add your own custom
fields for the business listings -these fields will show up after on the
forms for adding new business listings on the website and also on the
company details pages.

The new custom fields can be added from the Settings -> Fields page
in the administration panel.
If you would like to create a drop down menu instead of a text box,
then you have to enter the possible values in the field possible values
by entering one value on a line.

3. Administration panel

When creating the software, we tried to design and create an adminis

tration panel, which is as user friendly as possible and gives quick access
to all the settings and ads management pages.

In the left column of the administration panel you can find the mani
navigation menu allowing to access the different pages and functions
in the administration panel. At the top you can find the the log out link
and notifications for new messages and in the middle are loaded and
displayed the pages with their content and functions.

3.1. General overview
The administration panel is the main tool available for the PHP Business
Directory website administrator to manage the website, change
its settings, page content, see the registered employer and job seekers,
the jobs posted on the website, modify the templates and others.

The features in the admin panel are divided in categories. The main
administrator and the members of the Administrators group have ac-


cess to all the categories and pages in them.

The PHP Business Directory administration panel functionality is divided
in 8 categories / menus in the main start menu:

-Home (welcome / dashboard page, modification of password, log in
-Directory (management of the business listings, users, reviews and
-Settings (management of the locations, configuration options and
-Website (front site structure and content management, navigation

menu settings)
-Templates (front site templates management)
-Extensions (custom extensions and extension files and different


-Statistics (reports and referrals for the website visits)
-Admin Users (management of the administration panel users,
groups and permissions)
3.2. Main pages in the administration panel
You may find below a quick overview and brief information about the
most used pages in the administration panel and functionality on it.

Home .

The Welcome page in the administration panel provides quick information
about the new listings waiting to the approved and statistics, as

well as links to the main pages in the administration panel for easier


Home . Messages

On the Messages in the administration panel, you can find the messages
received by the users from the contact form on the main website

- these messages are also forwarded to the administrator’s email address.

Home . Log in Report

The log in report shows a log of the administration panel log in attempts
- the successful and failed log ins with their date and IP address.

Home . Change Password

This page can be used to change the password of the user for the administration
panel. To change the password it's necessary to enter the
old password and the new one and confirm it - after the password is
changed successfully, the user will be logged out and asked to log in
again with his new password.

Directory .
Approve listings, Directory . Current listings

These 2 pages allow to approve / validate the new listings submitted
by the users and see the current listing on the website.

Directory . Users

On the users page the administrator can see the list of users who
signed up on the site - please note that by default both registered and
not registered users can submit their business listings on the website.
Those who choose to register have their own administration panel allowing
to manage easily multiple business listings.

Directory .

The page allows the administrator to see the reviews posted for the
companies on the website and to delete or modify any of them.

Settings . Configuration Options

The page has many different options that you can use to configure
your website in the way you prefer - set your timezone and currency,
configure the preferred payment options and many others. Please find
detailed description of the different settings in "2. Configuring the

Settings .
Pricing Plans

The page can be used to add and manage the listing pricing plans.
Please refer to "Setting the pricing plans" for more information about
the different options and fields available.

Settings . Fields

Using the functionality on this page, the administrator can add new
custom fields for the business listings - these new fields will show up
then on the forms for posting new jobs and also on the main site when
seeing the job details.

Website . Management

This is the main page to be used to manage the website structure and

content - add new pages, remove or rename the current ones, modify
the pages content, the page title meta keywords or meta description
or set custom php extension to be executed for a page.

Site Content . Language Versions

If you would like to run a multi-language website, it's necessary to add
the additional languages from this page in the administration panel.
Please note when you a add a new language, it's necessary to upload
also the language file for it in the /include folder on your website.
Please refer to the "Languages and language files" for more information
and description of the language files and languages management.

Site Content .
Texts & Words

Using this page, you can manage the texts and words showing up on
the website or with other words, you can edit the language file of the

An alternative way to edit the language file is to to edit directly for example
the file include/texts_en.php for English, include/texts_es.php
for Spanish etc.
The language files are saved in the /include folder and their name is
texts_[LANGUAGE CODE].php
The language files have extension .php , but they are text files and can
be modified with any text editor such as Notepad etc.

Templates . Modify

This page can be used to modify the front site template, select a different
template or add a new template by pasting its HTML code.


For more information about the templates and their structure, please

check the section "Templates Management' in this manual.

Also an alternative way to set the template for the website is instead of
modifying it from the admin panel, to save the template as file -
template.htm in the main website folder (where is located the main index.
php etc.).

Templates .

The page allows the administrator to change the logo on the website -
the logo can be either uploaded as an image or set as a text.


Templates .

Using this page and the functionality on it, you can change the color
scheme on the website and set your own custom accent color - you
may set for example such one matching your corporate colors or the
colors of your logo.

Templates .
Google AdSense & Analytics

The code for advertisements such as Google AdSense or the code for
Google Analytics to track the website visits can be pasted directly in
the template (from Templates->Modify), but to make it easier, we also
added this special "Google AdSense & Analytics" page allowing to
paste the different codes in corresponding text areas.

Extensions . Files

The page shows the current files in the /extensions folder, which can
be used for extensions of the pages or custom tags. Please note that
files that should be used for custom tags have _tag at the end of their
name. A file can be set to be executed as extension for a page from
the Website .
Management page and for a tag from Extensions .

Extensions .

You can use this page to see the current tags, delete any of them or

add new tag. Please check the chapter "Custom Tags" to read more
about their usage and functionality.

Extensions . FAQ Manager, Extensions . Newsletter

These are some basic modules loaded by default from sour site manager
content system allowing to post news on the website, create a
page with frequently asked questions and send newsletter to the users
who have subscribed for it.

Statistics . Reports

The page shows brief information about the website visits and also
displays a chart for them.

Please note that the integrated website visits tracking and statistics information
is basic and simple, for more advanced tracking and information,
we recommend using an external system such as Google Analytics,
which can be easily added on the website.

Statistics . Referrals

You can see on this page the last referrals, so you can easily track who
is linking to your website and from where the traffic to your website
comes from.

Users . User Groups, Users . New User, Users . User Permissions

Using these pages, you can add new administrator users to your website,
put them in groups and set their permissions. This can be useful if
you would like to have multiple users working on the website with
permissions limited to just some selected pages. For example have a
News Administrators group with permissions to access only the News
Management functionality in the administration panel etc.

4. Website structure and content
The functionality, different menus and options on the Site Content .
Management page allow the administrator to manage the website
structure - add new pages, rename or remove the existing ones etc.
and also manage the content of the website, edit the content of the
different pages, set extensions to be executed for them and others.

Page 38

4.1. Structure management, adding new pages
Changing the front site pages meta title and description

In order to change the front site pages meta title, keywords or description,
the administrator has to log in in the admin panel and go to the
Website->Management page.
On this page, he will see the available website pages as a tree. He has
to left click with the mouse on a page in order to select it and then
choose from the Context menu which will show up "Page Settings".

A new page will show up containing various page fields including also
the page meta title description. The administrator has to enter the new
values and click Save.

Adding new pages to the website

The PHP Business Directory admin panel offers the possibility to freely
edit the website structure - add, edit or delete the pages of the front

Please note that you need to define the website structure separately
for the different language versions available (you could switch between
the language versions by selecting the language from the big
drop down menu at the top of the Website . Management page).
In order to add a new page to the front site you need to click on the
New Page button at the top of Website . Management

This will enter the form for adding a new page -

with the following fields:

-Link Text , the name of the link, which will show up in the main navigation
- Page Type, it can be either a main page or a sub page of an already
existing page
-Title, the title of the page, which will show up in the title tag
- Meta Description, the meta description of the page, which will appear
in the meta description tag to be used for search engines optimization
- Meta Keywords, the meta keywords of the page, which have to be entered
as a list and will appear after that in the meta keywords tag on
the page, to be used for search engines optimization purposes
Changing the pages hierarchy

You can modify the front site pages hierarchy by clicking on the
Change Hierarchy button at the top of Website . Management using
the form at the bottom of the Website->Management page.

This will open the change hierarchy form -this form there allows to
make a page of the website either a main page or a sub page of an ex

isting main page.

Changing the position of two pages

By changing the position of 2 pages, you'll change the order of the
pages in the main navigation menu (for example replace the positions
of the Home and About us pages).

Near every page on the Website->Management page, you could see 2
arrows indicating the up and bottom directions, you have to click on
them in order to change the position of the pages.

Please note that you can change the position of 2 pages only if they
are on the same level in the website hierarchy (for example main
pages, or sub pages of the Home page etc.)

4.2. Modifying the content of the pages
The content of the pages can be modified from the Website->Management
page in the admin panel. On this page, the administrator see
the pages as a tree.

If the website is multi language, you need to choose the language version
to manage by using the drop down to the left on Website . Management
- this will switch between management of the pages of the
different language versions.

Please note that if you would like to modify the content of a page and
the website is multi language, you need to do this for every language.
For example modify the "Contact" page in the English version, then
the "Contacto" page in the Spanish version etc.

To edit the content of a page like for example the Contact us page, the
administrator has to click on it and then choose either "Launch WYSIWYG
editor" or the "Edit HTML code" option.
When using the Edit the HTML code option, you will be able to directly
modify the html code of the page, while with the first (Edit the page), a
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor will open, allowing to
modify the content of the page.

Please note that the pages for which php files are set to be executed
(the "Set Custom Extension" option) can't be modified directly with the
WYSIWYG editor. These pages can be easily distinguished on the
Website->Management page, near their name one could see with red
font the name of the php file to be executed, for example for "Latest
Links" this is "latest_links.php".
The reason is that the code for these pages is rendered by the system,
for example in the case of the Latest Links page, it's generated by the
file /extensions/latest_links.php (which is the jobseekers sign up form),
so the php code for it can't be modified with the WYSIWYG editor.

The page can be modified by editing directly the file for it or if only
some texts need to be changed, this may be done by modifying the
language file (/include/texts_en.php for English).

4.5. Languages and language files
The language files contain the text and words shown on the user interface.
For every language there is one language file located in the /include
The name and location of the language file is: /include/texts_[CODE
or for example /include/texts_en.php for English. The language file
contains the different messages as PHP variables, for example:

$M_HIDE_RECENT_SEARCHES="hide recent searches";
$M_CLEAR_ALL="clear all";
$M_SEE_ALL="see all";
$M_WEBSITE_HOME="Website Home";

Translating the language file consists of translating the messages enclosed
in brackets to the right, for example for Spanish:

$M_HIDE_RECENT_SEARCHES="ocultar búsquedas recientes";
$M_CLEAR_ALL="borrar todos";
$M_SEE_ALL="ver todos";
$M_WEBSITE_HOME = "Sitio Web - Inicio";

In order to add a new language on the website, it's necessary to add
the translated file in the /include folder and also the administrator has
to use the form on the Settings . Language Versions page and enter
the name of the new language for example "Deutsch" and the code for
the new language, for example "DE".
The language code shows up after in the page links and is also used to
for the name of the language file (in this case the language file will be /

include/texts_de.php) and it's important to be 2 characters (like EN,
DE, PT, TR etc).

5. Front site templates management
5.1. Templates overview
A template for the front site represents a standard HTML code mixed
with some special WebSiteAdmin tags (the compatibility with the
WebSiteAdmin template system, makes possible the usage of templates
and features from other products using it, as well as combining
different scripts and software products to work on one website).

A front site could be either set as a file called "template.htm" in the
main website folder or it can be set from the administration panel and
the Templates .
Modify page. If both are available, then the template
saved as a file "template.htm" will be used (it has higher priority).

You may fine below a brief description of the template system and
tags and check also 6.3. Custom HTML tags to see how you may create
also your own custom tags with custom php files and code executed
for them.

When the different page are rendered on the front site, these special
tags inserted in the template are replaced by the corresponding content
- let's consider the following example with a simple template:

<title><site title/></title>
<meta name="description" content="<site description/>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<site keywords/>" />

When the page is rendered, for example the tag <site title/> will be
replaced with the page title (in general the page titles can be set by
the administrator from the Website .
Management page), so
<title><site title/></title> will become:

<title>The page title will come here</title>

Please note that presence of none of these tags is obligatory, so you
could combine them as you wish in order to create the website and
layout suiting the best your specific needs. Be aware also that Web-
SiteAdmin allows you to create your own tags (from the "Custom tags"


in the back office) and set php files created by you to be executed and
the generated content to be used in real time to replace the tag with it.

Here are some most common tags used in the default templates of the
different scripts based on WebSiteAdmin:

<site title/> - Title of the web page
<site description/> - Meta description of the web page
<site keywords/> - Meta keywords of the web page
<site menu/>- Main navigation menu of the website
<site languages_menu/> - The languages menu of the website
<site content/> - The main content of a page
<site form/> - The custom server side forms for this page if there are
<site logins/> - The main log in form of the website
<site quick_search/> - The quick search form on the front site
<site news/> - The news (the administrator can manage them from the
News page in the ADMIN)
<site featured_ads/> - The block displaying the featured ads
<site bottom_menu/> - The bottom menu displayed at the bottom of
the site (it contains the same items as the main navigation menu)

Please note that depending on the current product or script you are
using, not all these tags may be available on it.

To see your current template, the tags in it or modify it, please go to
Templates in the administration panel.

5.2. Adding new templates and modifying the existing ones
In the PHP Business Directory administration panel you may find the
following pages related to the front site templates management:


Templates . Select a Template

The page offers the possibility to the administrator to select a template
which will be used for the front site between the currently available
templates. Please note that in order to be able to select a template for
a given website, you need to add first the template (if it doesn't still exist)

Templates .
Add a New Template

This page can be used to add new templates to the website. The administrator
can add the new template by directly pasting its HTML

Templates . Modify

On this page the administrator can see the available templates and
modify a selected template. In order to select a template for modification,
the administrator should click on the Modify icon and then a new
text area having the full template code will appear.

5.3. Custom HTML tags
The custom HTML tags provide a great way to expand the current
functionality by creating your own php scripts to be executed and the
content they output to be shown precisely in a selected position by the
This can be for example a php script calendar_tag.php showing a custom
calendar, which needs to be added at the top right corner of all
pages of the website.

Creating a new custom tag is simple -the first step is to upload the
corresponding PHP file in the /extensions folder on your site.


Please note the file names of php files, which will be used for tags
should end with tag in their name - for example calendar_tag.php or
news_tag.php etc.
Then from the Extensions .
Tags page in the administrator panel, fill
the tag name (for example: calendar) and click on the Add button. This
will create the tag - <site calendar/> in this example and it will appear
on the Tags page.

The tag should be defined from Extension .
Tags and then inserted in
the template or in the page content. When the page is rendered all the
custom defined tags will be replaced by the content generated by the
script you set.
The Tags page shows the current tags with their name, html code, the
file to be executed (with a drop down listing all the uploaded tag files
in the /extensions folder and a small delete icon allowing to delete the

The final step when creating a new tag is to associate your tag with the
php file you uploaded - this can be done by simply selecting the file
from the File dropdown ("calendar_tag.php" in this example) and click
on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

fter doing this, you can start using the tag by inserting it in the front site
template (from Templates . Modify page) at the position you prefer in
the template.

5.4. Adding Google AdSense advertisements or Google Analytics
Very often the administrator may need to add external HTML code on
website, it can be for example the HTML code for Google AdSense or
other type of advertisements or Google Analytics code or a code provided
by Google WebMaster Tools to verify the website.

Such HTML codes need to be pasted in front site template, which can
be done from the Templates . Modify page in the administration
panel. On this page, it's necessary to click on the Modify icon - this will

show the HTML code of the template and paste the piece of HTML
code for the banners, Google Analytics or similar.
When adding a counter or other tracking code like Googl Analytics,
usually the best it to place it at the end of the template, for example
just before the closing </body> tag.

For the advertisements the position will depend on what position exactly
in the template (for example, top or bottom or to the right of the
website pages etc.) the administrator would like to add them.

If you experience any difficulties when doing this, please don't hesitate
to contact us and our support team will try to assist you asap.

6. Administration panel usersand groups
The administrator has the possibility to create additional user groups
for the main administration panel, add users in them and assign their
permissions. This can be done from "Users" in the administration panel.

This functionality can be used if for example there are multiple persons
working on the website (for example person A validating the listings
posted by the users, person B responsible for the design of the website
and templates management, person C adding news on the website

6.1. User groups
The user groups make easier the permissions management for the
users - instead of setting individually the permissions for every users, it
can be be possible to create different user groups, add the users in
them and manage the permissions per group.
For example, it can be possible to create a group of users who will be
responsible only for posting news on the website "NewsAdministrators"
and won't have access to the other pages like the ones for validating
the listings etc.

To create a new user group, the only field the administrator has to fill is
the group user name.

The page shows below also the list of the groups with their ID and a
check box allowing to select one or many groups and delete them.

6.2. Adding new users
To add a new user, it's necessary to click on the New User button at the
top of the User Groups page or choose directly from the main start
menu Users . New User.

When adding a new user, it's necessary to select its Type or User
Groups between the ones added by the administrator, enter his user-
name, password, phone and email.

To see a list of the current users or modify their information, it's necessary
to go to the Users List page (can be selected from the start menu
Users . Users List or using the top buttons while in the Users category
in the administration panel)

6.3. Permissions management
To set the permissions for the different user groups, it's necessary to
go to the Users . User Permissions page in the administration panel.

The page shows a list of all the pages available by default in the administration
panel and a check box for every box - to grant a permission
for a selected page, it's necessary to check the box for it and
when when ready, to click on the Save button at the bottom of the

his will save the permissions sets for the user group.

An user, member of an user group, which has been granted access to
only some pages in the administration panel will see just these pages
in the menus when he logs in.

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