new features added in the latest versions of jobs portal php job script

New features added in the latest versions of Jobs Portal

You may find below information about the new features added in the latest versions of the Jobs Portal PHP web script

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New features added in version 7.2 of Jobs Portal

php job script Redesigned employer admin panel

Redesigned employer admin panel

We redesigned and improved the employer admin panel in order to make it easier for the employers to access quickly the different admin panel pages and functions for postings jobs, reviewing the job applications, searching the database with job seeker resumes, posting courses and banners, manage their settings and others.

The new admin panel is also a mix of the main website-logo, colors, pages and link to them with the specific employer admin functions and pages and offers in this way quick access to both front-end and admin features.
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Different functional improvements

We made different improvements like adding the possibility for the employer to exchange messages with the job seeker when approving the job application, a salary per day option when posting a job except for the existing ones (salary per month, salary per week and salary per year), changed in the job list display in the user admin panel and others.
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php job script Different functional improvements
php job script New functionality to set the home page content and design

New functionality to set the home page content and design

With this new functionality the administrator can see the different possible sections on the home page (like latest jobs, featured jobs, jobs by category, trending jobs, jobs by location, featured companies) and check the checkboxes of the sections he prefers to include on the website's home page.
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Database optimization and increased job search speed

We made different optimizations in the database structures and database tables to improve the search speed and make searches in websites having hundreds of thousands of jobs work smooth and fast enough.
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php job script Database optimization and increased job search speed
php job script Improved functionality to customize the front-end and website appearance

Improved functionality to customize the front-end and website appearance

Job Portal is flexible and allows you to choose between multiple color combinations, set your own accent color, choose different backgrounds, select between more than 400 available online fonts and others to help you customize completely the website according to your preferences and project requirements.
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Improved unicode support and new language translations

We improved the support of different encodings and searches in different languages, as well as added new language translations.

Many new language translations are now available on request - please don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested to have your website in a specific or several languages and we'll confirm if we can provide them.
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php job script Improved unicode support and new language translations
php job script Google JobPosting structured data

Google JobPosting structured data

Google structured data are already added automatically to the job detail pages allowing Google to see and index these pages as job offers. When structured data is added, that makes the job postings eligible to appear in a special user experience in Google Search results.
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Improvements in the main admin panel, jobseeker panel and front-end

We reorganized the menus in the main administration panel and the job seeker administration panel to make them easier to use and more mobile-friendly.
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php job script Improvements in the main admin panel,  jobseeker panel and front-end
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php job script New functionality to send email alerts for the jobs coming from feeds

New functionality to send email alerts for the jobs coming from feeds

In previous versions, it was possible for the job seekers to receive email alerts for jobs posted on the website matching their search criteria - now this is possible also for the jobs coming from feeds (Indeed, SimplyHired etc.) with the option for the administrator to turn that on or off from the administration panel.

Minimum and maximum salary and currency position

When posting a new job listing, it's possible now to specify a salary range (a minimum or maximum salary per hour, week, month or year) and also there is a new setting added in the administration panel to set the currency symbol position (before or after the price / salary).
php job script Minimum and maximum salary and currency position
php job script New Invoices page in the employers administration panel

New Invoices page in the employers administration panel

The new Invoices page allows the employer to review his purchases and download the invoices for them.

Improved site map generation

Allowing better indexing of all website pages in search engines like Google and better SEO.
php job script Improved site map generation
php job script Integration of the MercadoPago payment provider

Integration of the MercadoPago payment provider

MercadoPago is a popular payment provider in South America and with its integration, together with the existing ones like PayPal, Stripe, Skrill, 2checkout, Square and others, we extend the possibility for customers in this region of the world to accept easily credit card payments.

SVG support for the website logo and favicon upload feature

In this version we also added the possibility to upload logos in SVG format and functionality to add a favicon for the website from the administration panel.
php job script SVG support for the website logo and favicon upload feature
php job script Functionality to export the emails from the job email alerts

Functionality to export the emails from the job email alerts

It's possible now to export separately the emails of the users who created an email alert, as well as the ones of the registered job seekers or employers to send them a newsletter with an external mail sending program if necessary.

Improvements in the jobs text search suggestions functionality

It's now possible to have search suggestions for the users including a list of custom words (as defined by the administrator in the admin panel), list of the job categories or mixes between them.
php job script Improvements in the jobs text search suggestions functionality
php job script New functionality to set the home page style and header

New functionality to set the home page style and header

It's possible to choose between a static background, gradient overlays, video backgrounds, navigation bar color and position, own slides or latest or featured jobs slides and others.
All the options can be set quickly from the admin panel, so you can customize the look of the home page in the matter of seconds. 
Combined with the existing functionality to manage the website colors and main accent color, this gives an additional flexibility to configure the look and feel of the website according to your preferences and logo or brand identity.

New employer admin panel

The new administration panel has a clean and professional design and allows to quickly access the different pages and functionality in the employer admin panel.
It has a similar style like the main administration panel, but it's using the same accent color as set by the administrator for the main site.
php job script New employer admin panel
php job script A new form to post jobs in the employer admin panel

A new form to post jobs in the employer admin panel

The new form has an improved interface and offers now more options to the employers when posting a job like later publishing on a selected date and time, option to redirect the users to an external URL when applying for the job, setting when the job position will be available, anonymous job posting, unpublishing the job on a selected date and time, adding details with a PDF file and others.

New job seeker administration panel

The job seeker administration panel is now also updated with the latest one to offer better compatibility with different devices and best interface experience for the job seekers to manage their profile, resumes, job application history and job search.
php job script New job seeker administration panel
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php job script Recent searches functionality

Recent searches functionality

This new functionality shows the user his recent searches with tags, so he can repeat quickly any previous searches by clicking on any of them. The new Recent Searches page shows also to the user a list of all his searches with their respective date and time. Near them we also added links to browse the posted jobs by category or location.

LinkUp job feeds integration

LinkUp offers verified and up-to-date job listings directly from employer websites-the LinkUp integration and job feeds can be enabled from the admin panel by entering the LinkUp partner API key for it. That will start showing its job listings on the website, which can be mixed with other available job feeds like Indeed, SimplyHired, CareerJet, Jobs2Careers and Talroo or the jobs posted on the site itself.
php job script LinkUp job feeds integration
php job script Jobs2Careers / Talroo job feeds integration

Jobs2Careers / Talroo job feeds integration

The Talroo publisher program has some of the highest payouts in the industry and it allows to feed the website with job ads and earn money from showing them. The Talroo job feeds integration can be enabled from the admin panel by entering the Talroo partner ID and API key, which will start showing the Talroo jobs on the website.

Improvements in the employer admin interface

We did different improvements and added more options like the possibility for the employer to set if his name, phone and email should be visible on the website or not, better employer sub accounts permissions management and others.
php job script Improvements in the employer admin interface
php job script ZipRecruiter job feeds integration

ZipRecruiter job feeds integration

ZipRecruiter is one of the leading job search engines, aggregating jobs from hundreds of websites. It can be enabled easily from the admin panel by entering a valid ZipRecruiter API key and its jobs can be mixed with the jobs posted on the website or the jobs from the other aggregators.
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php job script Predictive job search

Predictive job search

This new functionality shows to the users suggestions when searching for jobs-showing up in the drop down menu below the text search field and allowing the users to select any of the available options.
The administrator can configure from the admin panel if these suggestions should be the job categories or a list of custom defined words by him or a mix between them or switch off completely the suggestions.

Posting jobs in more than 1 category

The administrator can now enable from the admin panel if posting jobs in more than one category is allowed or not. If this functionality is activated, then users will be able to choose up to 3 categories when posting their job.
php job script Posting jobs in more than 1 category
php job script New default and advanced forms for searching the courses

New default and advanced forms for searching the courses

We improved the default courses search form and also added a new advanced search form for the courses to offer more possibilities to the users to find the course they may be looking for.

Manually approving the job ads and courses

With this new feature, the administrator can set from the admin panel if he would like to manually approve all jobs and course listings before going live on the site.
php job script Manually approving the job ads and courses
php job script Email alerts for the courses and more fields added for them

Email alerts for the courses and more fields added for them

In previous versions it was possible to create email alerts only for job offers (and be notified by email when a new job offer matching the search criteria is published on the website). Now we extended this functionality and it's available also for the course listings. We also added additional fields for the courses like mode of study, duration and qualification allowing the companies to enter more details about the course they offer.

Improved Google site map

We improved the Google site map and it now covers all the site pages including job categories, locations, job offers etc.
php job script Improved Google site map
php job script Adding images for the news

Adding images for the news

We added the possibility to images for the website news - previously this feature was available only for the blog articles and when making blog posts from the Blog tab in the administration panel.

Photo gallery for the companies and social media pages URLs

With this new functionality, the employers / companies can create a photo gallery for their company by uploading different photos, which will show up then on their company details page on the front end. They now have also the possibility to enter the URLs of their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram pages.
php job script Photo gallery for the companies and social media pages URLs
php job script Improvements of the job applications interface in the employer admin

Improvements of the job applications interface in the employer admin

We did several improvements of the job applications interface in the employer admin panel like showing the number of approved and rejected applications on the dashboard and others

Boolean search mode in the CV database

With this new boolean search functionality, it's possible to use boolean operators and search by multiple words and different combinations the database with job seeker CVs.
php job script Boolean search mode in the CV database
php job script Discount codes for the 
 employer packages

Discount codes for the employer packages

This new functionality allows the administrator to create discount or coupon codes, which can be used after by the companies / employers when purchasing new job listing packages or subscriptions.

Front-end forms improvements

We did several improvements in the front-end forms like separating the Category and Location in multiple fields on the Advanced search form, better validation of the fields on the job seeker and employer registration forms and others.
php job script Front-end forms improvements
php job script Adding course listings from the admin panel

Adding course listings from the admin panel

We made improvements in the main administration panel like adding a page allowing the administrator to post himself course listings for the companies and others.

Jobs import improvements

Improvement of the jobs import for the employers like adding an Import All and Delete All buttons on the import preview page and others.
php job script Jobs import improvements
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php job script New Visual Resume Editor

New Visual Resume Editor

The new visual resume / CV editor allows the job seeker to see a preview of his CV / resume and make direct changes in it. The other options to edit the CV / resume like to upload it as file or use the Resume Text Editor or the Resume Creator are still kept, so the user can choose the option, which is best for him.

Improvements in the front-end design

We moved the main menu in a top bar (which now frees more space and allows the administrator to add more custom pages if necessary) and the logo to the bottom, allowing to add now larger website logos. Also we created a new banner zone to the right of the logo (except the previously existing ones in the site column, top and bottom of the pages), which can be used to make announcements on the site or to add advertisements like Google AdSense or similar.
php job script Improvements in the front-end design
php job script New Blog Functionality

New Blog Functionality

Except fpr the previous functionality to post news on the site, we now added functionality to make blog posts (so the administrator can make blog posts or add articles related to the HR, jobs search etc.)

Jobs by keyword

This new feature allows the administrator to enter a list of keywords or popular job search queries and allow the users to browse the jobs by them
php job script Jobs by keyword
php job script New feature to browse the recruiting companies by map

New feature to browse the recruiting companies by map

The job seekers can now browse the recruiting companies by map and find companies near their location and see and apply for their jobs.

New functionality to set custom URLs for the website pages

With this new functionality the administrator can now set his own url for the main website pages-it's possible to create longer URLs for better SEO, including specific keywords etc.
php job script New functionality to set custom URLs for the website pages
php job script Give free job ads to selected employer

Give free job ads to selected employer

This new feature works with any of the default charging options - based on credits, the subscriptions, job packages and direct payments and allows the administrator to give free job ads to selected employers (or initially to all employers), so the employers will be charged after spending their number of free jobs.

Improved highlighting of the featured jobs

In order to help for the featured jobs to stand out from the regular job listings on the site.
php job script Improved highlighting of the featured jobs
php job script Banner zones improvements

Banner zones improvements

We made changes in this version to allow more banners in a banner zone - it's possible now to set separately the number of banners to show and maximum banners, so the employers will be able to now add more banners in a zone and the banners in it will show up randomly and rotate.

Invoice editing and VAT

We added more options for the invoices and the possibility for the employers to download also pro-forma invoices (except the invoices). The administrator can now manually edit the invoices, set manually if VAT should be charged, enter the VAT rate and others.
php job script Invoice editing and VAT
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php job script New Layout of the Home Page

New Layout of the Home Page

The new slider on the home page allows to mix own slides with featured or latest jobs, choose to use background images or gradient with accent color, new search form and redesigned sections showing the featured companies and browse the jobs by category or location

Completely New Administration Panel

We redesigned the administration panel and its interface to make it better and easy to manage the website, users, jobs and different settings.
php job script Completely New Administration Panel
php job script Predictive Location Search

Predictive Location Search

With the new predictive location search, the users can type the job location and see the suggestions (from the list of all the locations set on the site by the administrator) instead of using several drop down menus like it was in version 5

New Functionality for Adding Images to the Categories or Locations

This new functionality allows the administrator to add images for selected categories and locations and to highlight them or bring them to the top of the list in the browse by category or location sections on the home page
php job script New Functionality for Adding Images to the Categories or Locations
php job script New Layout of the Middle Result and Job Filters

New Layout of the Middle Result and Job Filters

We redesigned the way the job results show up on the pages, filters and job details page to make them easier for the users

New Payments Section in the Admin Panel

We have redone the payments section in the administration panel and added more options allowing to set how the users on the website should be charged
php job script New Payments Section in the Admin Panel
php job script New Payment Method - Job Listing Packages

New Payment Method-Job Listing Packages

We added a new 4th payment method to the already existing in version 5-based on Subscriptions (the users pay a monthly fee and are able to list up to some number of jobs, featured jobs etc.), based on Credits (the users buy credits and then use them to pay for the different services on the site) and Direct Payments (when posting a job, the users are directly redirected to make a payment).
The new method allows to create job listing packages including a number of job listings, featured listings and resume views and allows the employers to get one or more packages and be able to use them after when posting the jobs.

Different Improvements in the Admin Management

We made different improvements in the administration panel based on customer's feedback like adding links to see the jobs of a selected employer, be able to reply directly the messages from the administration panel and many others
php job script Different Improvements in the Admin Management
php job script Edit the Custom Fields

Edit the Custom Fields

To the existing functionality to create custom fields for the job seekers, employers and job fields directly from the administration panel and without editing the sources, we also added functionality allowing to modify these fields, their possible values etc.

Multi-Language Job Locations

Based on customer's feedback, we added the possibility to set the website locations in several languages like it was for the job categories.
php job script Multi-Language Job Locations
php job script Main Site Design with Bootstrap 4

Main Site Design with Bootstrap 4

The new website default template is now using the latest Bootstrap 4. There is also still functionality in the administration panel allowing to change easily the website colors, logos, backgrounds, home slider and others.

Browse the Registered Employers by Industry Sector

New feature allowing the employers to select their industry sector when registering and then to be able to browse and search the companies by it on the Recruiters page on the main site
php job script Browse the Registered Employers by Industry Sector
php job script Better Encryption of the User Passwords and Improved Security

Better Encryption of the User Passwords and Improved Security

We changed the way the user passwords are stored and added 2 passes forgotten password request functionality and other security improvements.

New Feature to Turn On an Under-Construction Page

This new feature allows the administrator to turn easily and under-construction page from the administration panel when making updates etc. and edit its content
php job script New Feature to Turn On an Under-Construction Page
php job script New Page for Searching Jobs in the Job Seeker Admin Panel

New Page for Searching Jobs in the Job Seeker Admin Panel

This new page makes job searching easier for the job seekers-they can do it directly from the administration panel without reopening the home page of the main site

GDPR Update

The GDPR update is now coming by default with the possibility to enable the GDPR consent messages from the administration panel and edit their texts and including also other updates like the possibility for the users to delete their accounts and information associated with them etc.
php job script GDPR Update
php job script New Layout of the Job Details Page and Similar Jobs

New Layout of the Job Details Page and Similar Jobs

We made improvements in the way the job details page show up and make also similar jobs to show up below it (to the already existing featured / paid jobs showing up to the right).

Improvements in the Job Seeker Registration and Job Application

Possibility to upload the resume directly when registering and to upload new files to be attached to the application when applying for a job or also to enable the possibility for not registered users to apply for jobs
php job script Improvements in the Job Seeker Registration and Job Application
php job script New Feature to Post Jobs Anonymously

New Feature to Post Jobs Anonymously

This new feature allows the companies which want to hide their contact details, to post their jobs anonymously on the site.

Functionality to Publish Later Jobs and Unpublish them on Selected Date

This new functionality allows the employers when posting jobs to choose if they way a different date on which their job will be published. They can also select on the calendar a date on which they would like their job to be automatically unpublished.
php job script Functionality to Publish Later Jobs and Unpublish them on Selected Date
php job script New Functionality to Create Page Headers

New Functionality to Create Page Headers

This new functionality allows the administrator to create custom page headers for any selected page-he can set the header background, add a title and a header text.

Salary Field

We made the salary field to be able to accept other values except digits like Negotiable etc. (if it's only digits, it's recognized automatically and made searchable in the salary from to filter)
php job script Salary Field
php job script Google reCaptcha

Google reCaptcha

The Google reCaptcha functionality is now built-in and can be activated from the administration panel allowing to replace the default captcha image in the script

Visit Analytics Integration

New one-click integration with Visit Analytics to provide detailed information about the site visits and web reports and statistics
php job script Visit Analytics Integration
php job script Others


Other improvements like new WYSIWYG editor, improved Google site map generation, possibility to export the user emails to external text files to be used with standalone email sending programs (to use instead of the built-in newsletter functionality in the administration panel) and others
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new administration panel employers job seekers panels php script New improved user panels for the employers and job seekers

New improved user panels for the employers and job seekers

The new interface allows the users to quickly access the different pages in their administration panels like the pages for posting jobs, processing the job applications, browsing or searching the CV / resume database and others.
The administrator can now also set the color of the user administration panels (by changing the website accent color from the administration panel), in order to set the same color scheme as the main site.

A new user type added-job agency

In difference from the existing employer users, the job agencies can post jobs for other companies-their forms for posting jobs in the employer administration panel contain also fields allowing to enter the company information, company logo and others (instead of taking this information directly from the profile like for the regular employer users).
On the registration form when signing up, the users have the option to select if they are an employer or job agency and their account will be created accordingly.
 A new user type added - job agency
php script job site external smtp server New functionality allowing to configure an external smtp server to send the emails

New functionality allowing to configure an external smtp server to send the emails

By default to send the emails the script is using the local email server running on the hosting server / hosting company.
If for any reason this server isn't accessible or the hosting company has disabled the email sending on their server or for the particular hosting package on which the site is hosted, the administrator has the option to enable and use an external email server (like Gmail or similar) to send the emails.

Improved main site design and easier personalization

The main site design is now faster to load and includes different new features and improvements and also it can be easily personalized from the administration panel by changing its colors (select one of the predefined colors or by entering a custom color code) and home page slider. For the slider the administrator can choose the content - if the slider should show the last jobs or the featured jobs or own slides, upload and set the background images, choose the text animation and others.
php job site personalization Improved main site design and easier personalization
job portal php script search filters New search filters for the job searches

New search filters for the job searches

The new filters allow the users to filter the job listings by category, location, job type, salary range and others.
The filters show up in the right column of the pages showing the job search results.

Adding the Stripe payment gateway and Authorize.NET subscriptions

The Stripe gateway can be activated easily from the administration panel, by entering the Stripe publishable key and secret key, allowing to charge the users with Stripe and the different payment options supported by it.
We also added the possibility to use Authorize.NET when charging the employers for publishing jobs based on subscriptions.
job site stripe charge employers Adding the Stripe payment gateway and Authorize.NET subscriptions
php script post job with pdf New functionality to post a job with pdf file or entering url

New functionality to post a job with pdf file or entering url

The uploaded pdf file will be shown in an iframe on the job details page - this can help the company if they already have all the job information well formatted in a pdf file, to avoid entering the whole information again and keep everything well formatted with the company's logo and details.
We also added the option instead of submitting a pdf file, to enter the url of the job details, which is again shown in a frame and can be a file like pdf or simple web page showing the full job information.

New fields for entering and searching the job salary

We added new fields for entering and searching the job salary, allowing to enter the salary and specify if the salary is per month, year, hour, week and if it includes bonuses etc.
In his profile, the job seeker has also now the option to enter his expected salary (to be seen by the employer when searching in the CV database).
salary range search script php New fields for entering and searching the job salary
job feeds php software indeed broadbean Job feed improvements

Job feed improvements

We added different improvements like the possibility to create a black list of keywords for (the words in the list will be excluded when searching and showing feed jobs on the site), the possibility to select the CareerJet API default country and others.
Also a page allowing to export all the jobs posted on the site to is now available.

More options for sending the newsletter

We added more options for the administrator when sending newsletter to the registered employers and / or jobseekers like for example the possibility to send a newsletter to job seekers interested in just a selected job category and others.
send newsletter php script jobs portal More options for sending the newsletter
charge job seeker apply jobs php script New functionality to charge the job seekers

New functionality to charge the job seekers

Except of charging the employers (companies posting jobs), the administrator has now the possibility to turn on or off from the administration panel the functionality allowing to charge also the job seekers. He can create job seeker packages and charge them a recurring monthly or yearly fee (depending on the package selected by them) or charge them with credits (the job seekers can buy credits and then be charged 1 credit for every job they apply for).

Users phone verification with SMS API

This new functionality lets the administrator enter the url of a SMS API and it can send then a SMS message to the mobile phone of the new users registering on the website to verify their phone number is correct.
Any SMS gateway offering a GET API or the possibility to send SMS messages by calling an url with parameters can be used-we use a flexible template GET url to enter the SMS sending url.
sms api php job site send sms Users phone verification with SMS API
custom job application php software Custom url for the job applications

Custom url for the job applications

When posting a new job, the employers have now the possibility to enter a custom url for the job applications (usually an external url of a page on their site)-when applying for the job, the jobseeker will be redirected to this url to complete his job application.
This gives more flexibility to the employers on how the job applications are processed and not requiring them to log in and process them on the job site itself if they have for example already their own recruiting site or section on their site.

New SEO functionality to enter custom titles and meta tags for the job categories or locations

In previous versions, the administrator had the possibility to enter custom titles and meta tags for the main site pages and the titles of the job category or locations were created by using the name of the category and location+list of words added by the administrator.
This new functionality lets the administrator enter completely custom titles and meta description and keywords for any of the job categories or job locations he wishes, allowing to improve the SEO and search engine rankings.
custom seo titles meta tags job software New SEO functionality to enter custom titles and meta tags for the job categories or locations
partner companies php job posting script Partner companies and giving free credits to new users

Partner companies and giving free credits to new users

The new partner companies setting makes possible for the administrator to list companies (by entering their usernames) for which using the services on the site should be free, so they can post jobs on the site or use the other services on the site without paying.
Other new features include the possibility to set automatically free credits to be given to the new users (if the credits method to charge the users is currently set on the site) or to manually make companies featured.

Other new features

Some of the other new features include the possibility for the job seeker to upload smaller video clips as video resume (except the previous YouTube option), feature allowing to send emails with html code as welcome emails to the new users, the created email alerts from the main site to be associated automatically with the accounts of the logged in users and others.
cv video resume php script Other new features
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custom colors and responsive slide jobs board New functionality allowing to manage the home slider,  colors,  background images and others

New functionality allowing to manage the home slider, colors, background images and others

This new functionality allows to quickly customize the look and feel of the website from the main website and configure if the latest jobs or featured jobs or own slides should show on the website's home page and also if it should use scrolling background images, scrolling text, fading text effect and others.

New log in from

The new improved log in form makes easy the website log in and also allows quick log in with a LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook account.
jobs board new responsive log in form New log in from
php script job email alerts Job email alerts also for not registered job seekers

Job email alerts also for not registered job seekers

We made the job email alerts to be available also for not registered users and visitors of the website - in this way, the users can create easily alerts and be notified when new jobs meeting their search criteria are posted on the website

Configured by default to use mysqli

The new version is configured by default to use mysqli ("mysql improved") in order to be prepared for the new php versions coming up
mysqli php job responsive script Configured by default to use mysqli
set logo as text php job script Other improvements

Other improvements

We did also other improvements like for example when changing the language, the visitors of the website to stay on the same page or also to be possible to set the logo from the administration panel as text and not just an image and others.
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change skins set custom accent colors jobs portal Customize the default theme,  choose an accent color,  set a custom background

Customize the default theme, choose an accent color, set a custom background

This new functionality allows to change the website colors with a single click from the administration panel, so the website owner can choose easily the colors he prefers or make the website colors match his logo or corporate identity. It's also possible now to set a custom accent color, by entering a color code, set a background image and upload a website logo from the administration panel.

Editing the language file from the administration panel

Based on our customers feedback, in this new version we added the possibility to modify the language file directly from the administration panel. This feature can be useful to make quick changes in the texts and messages shown to the users on the main website or the users administration panels.
job php edit language file back office Editing the language file from the administration panel
change logo php script for jobs Updating the logo from the administration panel

Updating the logo from the administration panel

A new functionality allowing to quickly change the main website logo from the administration panel while still keeping the possibility to set the logo in the /images folder (the method used prior to version 4).

Google AdSense and Analytics configuration options

To make easier adding Google AdSense advertisements and Google Analytics tracking code, we added a new page in the administration panel and the Templates tab allowing to simply paste the code for them in separate text areas (the alternative method, for pasting there code directly in the template is still available if an user may prefer it instead or has his site already configured like that using the previous versions).
php jobs script google adsense google analytics Google AdSense and Analytics configuration options
experience availability fields job seeker profile php script New Fields for the Job Seekers

New Fields for the Job Seekers

New default fields were added to the job seeker's profile information like "availability" (allowing the job seeker to set his availability to start a new job like for example - immediately or after 1 month etc.), experience and others.

New Direct Payments Option

Except of the 2 previous methods for charging the employers based on subscriptions (allowing the administrator to charge recurring fees and let the users list up to some number of jobs) and based on credits (allowing the users to purchase credits and then spend them to pay for the different website services), we added a new 3rd method called Direct Payments. With this option enabled when adding for example a new job, at the final step the user is directly redirected to for example the PayPal website to make his payment.
direct payments option jobs portal software New Direct Payments Option
social networks connect us job site php Easier configuration of the Connect with Us section

Easier configuration of the Connect with Us section

We made the configuration of the Connect with Us section on the website easier by adding the social network page urls like new separate fields on the Configuration Options page in the administration panel.

New Login Page

The new Login page takes the whole space of the main content website area and adds below the buttons to log in directly with the social network accounts. Except the Facebook log in, we added now also the possibility to log in with the Twitter or LinkedIn account.
twitter linkedin log in php script jobs New Login Page
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jobs An entirely new administration panel An entirely new administration panel

An entirely new administration panel

The new administration panel has a mobile friendly / responsive design, better structure to make the navigation easier, uses AJAX technology for faster page loading and has many other improvements. Please visit our Online Demos page to find a demo of the administration panel and also front site demos with different templates.

New responsive templates

We added new responsive and mobile friendly templates. Check our online demos
jobs New responsive templates New responsive templates
jobs Integration with SimplyHired and CareerJet and mixing feeds Integration with SimplyHired and CareerJet and mixing feeds

Integration with SimplyHired and CareerJet and mixing feeds

Except, the new version has now integration also with 2 other major job aggregators - SimplyHired and CareerJet. The administrator can choose the feeds to be used and also to mix the different feeds (by selecting the weight of the different aggregators) in order to create unique job result lists.

New courses functionality

The new functionality to post courses allows the companies to post courses and the job seekers to browse and search for them on the new Courses section on the main site.
jobs New courses functionality New courses functionality
jobs Job application questionnaires Job application questionnaires

Job application questionnaires

This new functionality allows the employers to add questionnaires with questions for the job seekers to answer when applying for a job - the employer can see the answers given by the job seekers when reviewing the applications.

Recruiters directory

New functionality to browse and search the recruiting companies with their jobs on the website
jobs Recruiters directory Recruiters directory
jobs New functionality to charge the users New functionality to charge the users

New functionality to charge the users

New features to charge the users have been added, so now the administrator can choose if to charge the employers based on subscriptions (with recurring monthly payments, the employers are able to post up to some maximum number of jobs, banners and features jobs set by the administrator) or based on credits (the users buy credits and then spend them to pay for the different services offered on the website).

New layout of the job results and job details

jobs New layout of the job results and job details New layout of the job results and job details
jobs Improved banners functionality Improved banners functionality

Improved banners functionality

Creating banner areas is now easier for the administrator and it's not necessary to insert a tag any more in the template (which some of our customers found difficult in the previous versions).

Rate and write reviews for the recruiting companies

This new functionality allows the users to write reviews and rate the recruiting companies on the website.
jobs Rate and write reviews for the recruiting companies Rate and write reviews for the recruiting companies
php job script mobile apps android ios Mobile apps

Mobile apps

Currently with an Android application available and iOS and Windows Mobile ones coming soon (mobile applications are available on request and can be customized with your colors, logo and information). Check a sample Android application
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Please check below some of the advantages of the ready-made website solutions and PHP scripts we offer ...



Using a language file, which makes it easy to translate them to new languages. Ready translations are also available on request.
fast & friendly support

Fast & Friendly Support

We do our best to help our customers and reply as quickly as possible. You are welcome to test it - contact us and our competitors and see who will reply first.
combine them with other products

Combine them with Other Products

You can combine different products of ours to create websites with unique features and single login for the users.
customization services

Customization Services

We offer various customization services to help customize the software and meet your project requirements.
optimized for speed and performance

Optimized for Speed and Performance

We try to use simple data structures, in order for the database queries to work fast and site load quickly and be able to support really a lot of listings and users.
easy to customize

Easy to Customize

The template based approach makes it easy to customize the site design and you can also customize the site colors and the different configuration options.
free & easy installation

Free & Easy installation

The integrated web installer makes the installation quick & easy. If you prefer, we can also do it for you - it's a free service we offer.
white label

White Label

We don't require that you keep any link back to us or powered by on your site and there is no extra fee for that.
not encrypted source codes

Not Encrypted Source Codes

We provide by default the source codes - non encrypted, so you can modify them or add new features.
seo optimized

SEO Optimized

We pay special attention to SEO and try to make them fast to load, use SEO friendly urls, optimize meta tags and others.
mobile friendly

Mobile Friendly

We design all our products and interfaces to be mobile friendly, in order to work well on different devices like smartphones and tablets
20 years in business

20 Years in Business

We were founded back in 2003 and since then offer and constantly improve our ready-made website systems and software products

php job script php job site script responsive 2022
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Download free, fast loading and SEO-optimized website templates

Visit our Free Templates page where you can find website fast loading and optimized templates for free download. The templates we . . .

A new product added in our portfolio - Car Rental Marketplace

Our new car rental marketplace website solution allows to create websites connecting individuals or companies looking to rent vehicles with providers or owners who . . .

Download a sample store and make money with our white-label partnership program

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